Tuesday, 14 November 2017

The Garden Railway Expands!

Couple of days later than planned, it is done (almost). It took two of us (me and dad) 6 hours to complete but its been worth it.

The first job was the remove the turf from the section of garden. Surprisingly easy to do but still took a long time.

Next, we put down the weed proof membrane onto the ground. Something I didn't do on the existing railway and boy, do I regret not doing it!

Next, the fun stuff starts. Ballasting! First pass took 12 bags of gravel with the second pass taking another 3. The membrane got trimmed as well at this point.

First track then went down. 45mm gauge first as its easier to lay. LGB track was used thoughout and unsurprisingly was down in minutes. First time I've had 45mm gauge out in about 5 years!

Now the track that will see the most use, The 32mm! Passing loop is long enough for a Brazil and two WHR coaches (Note, WHR not FR) which should be good. Only one joint needs trimming but the weather turned awful at that point so.... that can wait for another day. The track also needs packing but I suspect that will have to wait until better weather so I can get a loco out and start to test it all!

Safe to say I'm happy with the progress. I'm out of 32mm track now plus the parents want to see it bedded in before approving stage 2 so that's for another day.



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