Wednesday 25 May 2011

Another Layout? - Not quite

One of my jobs is that of the Bluebell Railway's 9F club Badge Assessor which gives me a chance to work regularly on the railway at a number of events. During the railway's 50th event, the club had its first ever stand and a model railway was shown and then donated to the club to use as it sees fit. This evolved into the current layout which features 009 and 00. As part of the argeement, I've taken over the 009 side of things with my colluage taking the 00. The plan was originally for a 3 coach terminus station similar to that originally at Barnstaple but that soon changed to one of a 5 coach terminus for the 009 with a 3 coach terminus for the 00 in the presevation era. Here's a few photos taken a few days ago which hopefully will change in the next few months intime for the club layout's next few bookings.

More updates as the layout progresses,


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