After getting and running the Steam engine for a bit, the parents seem to be on side to let me lay 45mm track in the garden to run it on. Below shows the current plans with the larger loop/sidings already being used to test my engine at the moment.

As the above shows, it's gonna be a large setup hopefully and should give the steamer a good long run. Although, as the its first one i've ever designed, comments from those in the know would be greatly appreiated.
Until next time,
Would work well. Although one cosndideration is continous run, espcially if you have a manual loco, other than that cosidertion, nowt wrong with it, its your railway. The only thing I would add is a siding at the 'smaller' station to allow goods to be moved, but the run round loop still been used for passenger?
ReplyDeleteDefinitely if you can, fit in a continueous loop and as many sidings as poss for parking rolling stock.If you have an open day to other 16mms there never seems to be enough sidings to park your rolling stock between runs.And if you hant already join the assoc of 16mm We are a friendly bunch and welcome everyone to our meets.
ReplyDeleteI'd be tempted to try and work out a continuous run if you can. It's easier for running in and more relaxing to just sit back and watch trains run sometimes.
ReplyDeleteWhat track are you planning to use?
By using flex track or large radius into smaller radius transitions you get a smoother looking railway. Take a look at to see my track powered line, developed over the last 12 months.
Good luck!